Tune List

This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
I've been loving you too long11
I love Lucy14
I don't want to lose you4
I left my heart in San Francisco160
I miss you35
In the month of May1
If I had you682
If you knew how much I love you1
Inventions & intentions1
I know way1
I'm forever blowing bubbles99
Il est un coin de France1
Intra bop1
I cross my fingers6
I can't love you anymore12
I left my heart in San Fransisco1
It's freedom10
In between films1
I'm just wild about animal crackers5
I see two lovers2
I must have that man113
In an old log cabin2
Invade my privacy1
I quite like men1
It could happen to you797
I love Paris236
In love in vain122
I got it bad825
Ila's furnace1
I gotta get up and go to work3
I dare not love you1
I'll get by165
I never see Maggie alone4
It's not your night2
If everybody had their way1
I've found a new baby983
I'll remember Murph1
I found a new baby103
It's all right with me612
In the woods at night1
Igor's revenge1
It had to be you571
It's Christmas time13
I'll be home for Christmas198
I am Rose1
Ichnaton's daughters2
In the dark pine-wood1
Ida Lupino66
I've got you under my skin451
I'm more than satisfied24
I'll be seeing you463
I'm a ding dong daddy63
If I had a talking picture of you57
In a mellow tone787
In a mellotone3
Improvisation 111
Improvisation, vol. 1
Improvisation, vol. 1
Improvisation 59
Improvisation 97
Improvisation 74
I don't want your kisses8
It's all over now29
Iko iko33
I hear a rhapsody397
I loves you Porgy441
In your own sweet way470
I wish I knew324
In the deep blue sea2
Italian ocean song1
I mean5
I should care592
If you could see me now462
I'm getting sentimental over you692
I love you788
I wished on the moon159
I thought about you770
Inner voice27
In memoriam39
I can live without it1
In the marketplace1
It's lonesome without you1
I'm afraid of wanting you too much1
I'm a rattlesnakin' daddy1
I can't stand it14
It's a low down dirty shame11
I'm beginning to see the light679
Ich hab' dich und du hast mich5