Tune List

This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.

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Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
Indus trane gleis HM1
In & out the wild side1
I am "La voyageuse"1
In the end, we win1
I thought about you part 1
In Cairo/Grandma's coat1
I'll keep1
In the pocket where you know it's safe1
Into wishing1
Indigenous people1
Indigenous people pt. II1
Indigenous groove1
I hate Christmas time1
I am a little church1
In der wucht1
Ipassi di Ulisse1
Il tempo di un giorno1
In the rosegarden1
Is this thing even on ?1
Indigenous theme1
Improvisations on folk songs from Kupuszina1
I've served, I've served1
I don't regret being a poor man/Shepherd1
Instant present1
I wish R.A.I.N.1
Introductions 1
Introductions 1
If there's a stage for me in Heaven1
Intro to Mr. Lucky1
I got minor1
Impressioni di Puglia1
Indigenous land suite1
Ihr mann1
Into the wood I1
Into the wood II1
Into the wood III1
Il metronome del sultano1
I mi fiul1
I giorni della merla1
Ignacio's solo1
Improv on a theme by Thelonious Monk1
Improv on twelve bars by Herbie Nichols1
Intro - search1
Interlude - straight ahead hip hop1
Interlude - Quartet no. 1
Inner state1
I passi cantati1
Il gioco di Ettore1
Il giorno dell'Annunziata1
It might be gold1
Island recursion1
I just dropped in1
I will never stop loving you, big city1
It could be better1
Il purgatorio1
In Sleepy Hollow :1
Improvisation on "What a wonderful world"1
Il gorilla e la gallina1
In a sentimental flu1
Intermission song1
Inflatable flamingo1
Impression on Derek Bailey's theme1
Ice and water1
I got somethin'1
Isla sorna1
Iron tango1
I've grown accustomeed to his face1
I still think she's pretty1
Indulge in fancy1
I don't wanna lose you1
I'm too blue1
In deeper1
I've seen the light1
I gotta grape drink1
Il cauboi1
I still like you1
Il futuro1
I love tempo1
I protest1
Ibland blir det bara nastan1
I see beauty1
I'm gonna lose again1
Into the dene1
I wonder if it remembers me1
I hornet av hjartat1
Il pesce-cane1
Interlude no. I1
Interlude no. II1
Interlude no. III1
Irish tacos1
Intro : Naquele tempo1
Intro : Asa Branca1