Tune List

This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.

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Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
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I koldknappens spar1
I just came to tell you to tell Lesley, will you ?1
In his timing1
Inherent vibrations1
I will never let you down1
Il sorgere del sole1
It's that dream again1
Indian base1
Il destino1
Il sesso1
Il destino 1
Il pranzo dei ricchi1
Il successo1
Io son l'umile ancella1
Ivory land1
Il bel sogno di doretta1
Intermezzo de "La cavalleria rusticana"1
Il sogno di Doretta1
Intro - Sister1
Imposter syndrome1
In turqouise time1
I see Lee1
I. At night, and then upon waking1
II. Ramifications1
Imaginary unit1
Illusion's waltz1
I knew the way1
I'll be your wings1
Invisible blessing1
In the darkest night1
Inner impulse1
I don't know what you wanna play1
In the middle of the center of...1
Intro haiku1
Introduction of the trio1
Il vizioso1
In our mind1
Ingen fara1
Insoliti equilibri1
In particles deceptive light1
In the doldrums1
Inter-dimensional planet hopper1
I.S.I.S. - Sage & singing1
It's nice to have a man around the house1
Interstellar vibe1
Indigo conjunction1
Interview mit B.E.1
Involuted blues1
Image of falling1
It's alright to be afraid1
Indian Betsy1
Infinite cry1
In the hole of more of this1
I let a song go out of my heart/Don't get around much anymore1
Into the river1
Imaginary film score1
I love your eyes1
Idle thoughts1
Interstellar peace1
I'm alrighty1
It all passes1
In that quiet earth1
I. Day into night1
II. Sanctuary1
III. Corridors1
IV. Spirit1
I. Aleph1
II. Blues kachol1
III. Mi is who is he is she1
IV. Maim korim1
Intro : Pet peeve1
Intro : Cut flowers1
Idyll in Sovkhoz1
It's enough to be here, now1
I'm the guy that found the lost chord1
I can see only one step ahead1
Interesting times1
I. In darkness, a rabbi's prayer1
II. A mysterious stranger with an extraordinary idea1
III. Gathering clay, making a man1
IV. Awakening life with a word1
It's nice to go travelling1
In the depth of winter1
I know that I have nature on my side1
In a secret corner1
I think I will try1
Into the world again1
Intervalles en hutte1
Illusion. First sentence, right1
Inland images1
Illusion. Second sentence wrong1
I'm on my way intro1