Tune List

This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.

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Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
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I still remember Clyffod still1
I'm not the one1
Intruder alert1
Information paradox1
Intro, do you remember ?1
It is now - episode one - A1
It is now - episode one - B1
It is now - episode one - C1
It is now - episode two - A1
It is now - episode two - B1
It is now - episode two - C1
I am not a virus1
I swear, I really wanted to make a "rap" album but this is literally the way1
I hear nonsense1
In the lead1
Interlude : Meditation1
Interlude : Play1
Intertwined trees1
I love it, and how !1
I fall again1
Immagini di spagna1
I should not dare to be so sad1
I shall imagine life1
I hate stupid chanteuses1
Intimate wish1
Immaginando te1
Il sentiero dell'immaginario1
Internally rarefied-undertow-rewound1
I'll never cry1
In the current1
I've come undone again1
I don't like Christmas1
Infinity waltz1
I won't go away1
I miss Manhattan1
I didn't then I did1
It's about to happen1
I giganti1
Il Grinch 1
I got nothin' but nothin'1
If I was your girlfriend1
Innocence of life1
Il profilo dell'aria1
I guess I'll hang my tears out to rdy1
I am a stalk1
I see, I hear1
I am the seasons1
I'll do whatever you want1
I have for you - simple truth1
iii sun through my window1
I made a lover's prayer1
Intrinsic value1
Is this real ?2
Into the spirals1
In those years1
I am wrestling with despair1
In the day of light1
I'll be the stranger1
Improvisasjoner for microintervallgitar1
Io, the heifer1
In a sweet, low mood1
I sogni di franca1
I cannot look1
Introducing love1
I can see all this1
Immaculate toes1
Intenso como o mar I1
Intenso como o mar II1
Inner shadows1
In eternam1
I favour nonsense1
I am not Simeon1
I would rather be dead than afraid1
In a flower's radiance1
Ich stand im Stau1
Ich hatte zu viel zu tun1
Ich hatte den Kopf nicht frei1
Ich bin nicht dazu gekommen1
Illustrious posterity1
Inte mer nu1
Is an opening1
Infatuation station1
Impressions of Senegal2
I don't wanna live the wrong life and then die1
It's mambo time1
Ich bleib bei dir1
Infinite love infinite tears1
Improvised composition as a goal for human behavior1
Inner perception1
Infor en borgerlig efter middag1
In for a pound or penny1
I din kyss1
In the belly of the whale - days and nights1
It is our1