Tune List

This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
Without whom1
We have love3
Wee dot48
Who cares ?189
West coast blues107
Who's got the funk ?1
Walk tall36
Why am I treated so bad ?65
Who bent the rainbow ?1
Who up in Heaven ?1
We saved1
Wild-cat pee1
What is next1
Whip it up2
Warm blue stream9
Watermelon man253
Walls of Jericho5
What next ?7
When sunny gets blue357
We say1
When the saints go marching in1303
Woodstock suite1
Where of when1
Walk on air3
We've gotta talk1
War zone1
When day is done116
Without a song325
Whisper not367
Will you still be mine ?204
Wives and lovers114
What is this ?18
Witch hunt57
Walkin' up21
With a song in my heart197
Why do I love you ?131
Warm valley204
We three kings of orient are24
What it is44
Waltz for spring2
Who can I turn to362
Weird blues16
West End blues288
When we walk1
Wish I'd said that1
Wieder da1
What I can do you can do too3
West Washington Blvd.1
With a song3
Woe is me17
Where did our love go5
War cry2
Way back fifties1
What more can Jesus do ?2
Working for Jesus1
Walk on by85
When you're gone8
Why don't you move in with me1
When love is gone4
Where I belong9
What are you doing the rest of your life382
What the world needs now is love52
We're drifting apart1
Wobble Loo1
Waltzing at suite one2
Without title2
Watch where you step2
Without a friend3
We just want to dance our steps1
White with eyes1
Where are my nuts ?1
Wood place1
While shepherds1
Who wants love3
Why don't you do right ?169
Wishing merry Christmas to you1
What babe be this ?1
Wassail ! Wassail ! Wassail !1
Wendell's history1
Wild dog15
Would you like a CKE, Mr. Bandini ?1
Weeping willow rag9
When we get back1
With you I'm born again20
What a little moonlight can do231
With the turning of centuries1