Tune List

This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
Them intro1
The lesser evil is the one that hits you1
Tree action/action tree1
Terre en vue1
Thula baba/Qongqothwane1
Tu che sai come1
Take the augmented train1
The voodoo and the didijeridooo1
Trieste wind1
Time lapse echoes1
The Acatama experience1
Two thousand-one years ago1
The infinite human caravan1
The huggy dance1
The dumb abyss1
Thank you and good night1
Temporary life ?1
The train at dawn1
Town of two faces1
The importance of abstraction1
Tried in the court of public opinion1
The fallacy of ancient wisdom1
The nearest1
The choices we make1
Tides turning1
The killing of a sacred deer1
The joint chiefs1
Terrible seeds1
Trinity of creative self1
The lost tune1
The last pop tune1
The L.E.J.1
The sixth commandment1
The heavyweight1
To Jimi H.1
Trojan alligator1
Tributo a Dorival Caymmi1
Through the trees1
Tom Tom blues1
Thick lightness1
The Q.E. blues1
Turning home1
Things can only get better1
Tear in a smile1
Toss de mar1
Tipping the velvet1
Tuesdays at Transcend1
The other Fulton Street1
The day to count our blessings1
The blue land1
Three peaks1
Tiny lizard pushup1
The sugar glider1
Teresa A1
Teresa B1
Tenderness within1
Trattamenti di pace # :1
Trattamenti di pace # :1
The naitoku1
Terra negata1
Ta taratta1
The wind left the house1
To come. Human to heal1
To come. Here's your pill1
To come. Runaway train1
To come. Rave on the Nile1
Then. Classified movements1
Then. Acquired memories1
Then. Insomniac1
Then. Thurst for amnesia1
Talking in circles1
Till den det beror1
Tankens kartotek1
The unwinding road1
The tale of Jonas and the dragon1
The rawness and finesse of the drums1
The blue of winter1
The incarcerated artist and his muse1
The cycling reporter1
The drugs don't work1
The fundamental difference1
The beauty of Sundays1
The ghost of Lady Day1
The sky will still be there tomorrow1
Tief in den waldern ihres herzens1
The bebop vampire1
Twelves blood1