Tune List

This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
Hyvaa huomenta maailma1
How many roads1
Hei, Katka !1
Hymn of Hildegard1
Here comes Baby1
Happy birthday Bill1
Hopkins' choice1
Here we go around again1
Hauer .1
Harlem hoedown1
Hiddens. A Mediterranean requiem1
How shall the dust storm start ?2
Heat on the heather1
Here in Rome1
Hunting horns1
Het alles1
Hybride synergetic1
Hear me when I'm lost1
Habt ihr je die Tagesschau gesehn1
Hello, old friend1
Holding court1
Hide, then seek1
Haiku # : Columbus, quiet1
Haiku # : Life of the playground1
Haiku # : Lost MJLP1
Haiku # : High-rise kiss1
Haiku # : Always be aware1
Haiku # : His bed is a box1
Haiku # : Central Park life1
Haiku # : A box of pictures1
Hey Neva1
Hawk Hill1
Huisje tuintje1
Hiroshi's time1
Happy go lukey1
Heart chant1
Hawk in1
Hymn for August1
How long Mr. Robert1
Hemispherical vibrations1
Hip to the skip1
Hymn to Vienna1
Henchmen live the shortest lives1
House from the dream1
Here for the outside1
Head towards the light2
Harpsichord session1
Hvor er det godt a lande1
How not to accept graciously accept a gift1
Hinterland hula hoop1
Hug that tree !1
High stone1
How prophetic1
Hearing a whistle1
Heart whispering1
Hearing the truth1
Here in this cave1
Happy monkey dance1
Handbuilt by robots1
Haiku, the falling blossoms1
Haiku, saying something1
Haiku, morning sun1
Hommage a Pilinszky1
Hollywood bypass1
Hearing the message1
Hired applauder1
Hymni : Nyt tahdon kayda vastaan1
Hemisphere suite, part : Shifting tonalities1
Hemisphere suite, part : Impromptu #1
Horfilm mit maschinen1
Hemisphere suite, part : Area one1
Hemisphere suite, part : Area two1
Hemisphere ballad1
Herr Keuner und die Zeichnung seiner Nichte1
Hip star1
Here comes the magic1
Hidden rainbow1
Hallelucination blues1
Harmonious difference1
Home 1
Hohner I1
Hohner II1