Tune List

This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
Grey day at Gorey1
G.G.'s rage1
Goldenes horn1
Glacial period1
Green island dub1
Genie in a botle1
Geht's dir gut ?1
Green island serenade1
Go for it MF1
G string2
Growing old together1
God, be in my head1
Gold hill1
Gone, yet here1
Grass party1
Group E2
Group F1
Group A2
Group B2
Group C2
Group D2
Globalhirtenrider : Eyes & gliss1
Graben Jetzt, Alle auf nach stoirhondur, neun kleine feten geh'n...1
Garten ruben oben, stoirihondurando zehn1
Good vibes blues1
Giuletta degli spiriti1
Got a spring in my step1
Ghost. Me.1
Goodbye stranger1
Georgia Ave.1
Gotta dig it to dig it1
Gogov, gogov shavtvala1
Gliss glass1
Groove out1
Gaeta set II1
Galloping in dystopia1
Grazie amore1
Golem's dance1
Games for children1
Gigue aus der partita nr. A-moll BWV 1
Green light for Billy Drewes1
Girls can play the blues1
Ghost whistle1
Glass lungs1
Gianni Mou1
Getting Higgy with it1
Gen's gem1
Genette's song1
Got you beggin'1
Gone ... but not missed1
Gay repartee1
Godafass/Lunar landscape1
Grow where I'm planted1
Gentle art of compassion1
Gotta eat1
Giulio Romano1
G. Ocean1
Gramelot per due1
Gyrating spheres1
Gi tana1
Goodbye, then1
Glimpsing the freedom1
Giuly sun1
Gary's jam1
Ganga's spirit1
Glow in the dark1
Green salad1
Get serious1
Ganesh : Elixir1
Gentle snap1
Gauci/Ewen/Helton/Hertenstein, improvisation I1
Gauci/Ewen/Helton/Hertenstein, improvisation II1
Gauci/Ewen/Helton/Hertenstein, improvisation III1
Gauci/Ewen/Helton/Hertenstein, improvisation IV1
Gauci/Eisenberg/Mela, improvisation I1
Gauci/Eisenberg/Mela, improvisation II1
Gauci/Eisenberg/Mela, improvisation III1
Gauci/Eisenberg/Mela, improvisation IV1
Gauci/Eisenberg/Mela, improvisation V1
Gauci/Eisenberg/Mela, improvisation VI1
GHT blues1
Gracefully falling1
Getting nasty1
Gallo camaron1
Gitmo's groove1
Good faith1
Good timing1
Grande danse en round1